In social work Teresa Matus is a goddess the bible is point of run-away she have multiple titles
Teresa Matus wrote about something contemporary social work and approaches, she have a approaches of the school of Frankfurt, I admire her imagination and new propose in the profession
She love the Walter Benjamin and in the star of your book she occupy “the dialectics images significance a rapprochement of the present experience whit the horizon of expectations don’t compliment of the past for cause from them a wake up of future” this is a citation of Walter Benjamin is the argument in your book, is really abstract but when you understand this is very profound whit great coherence, this is amazing is a world in a citation whit multiples interpretation. In this case is a union of the past whit present, one debt whit the dead’s.
This corresponds to my generation and the next in the time, is a weight for any social worker, is challenge in the long road.


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